Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dec 25th: pinpoint

When did you decide that?
I can't really pinpoint the time.

From when did you love to play soccer?
I can't really pinpoint the time.

When did you decide to study abroad?
I can't really pinpoint the time.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Dec 13th: polish

I've completed my first draft of SOP.
Even though it contains what I want to say, sentences are not polished.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dec 10th: on cloud nine

I have finished my final exam, so I'm on cloud nine.

on cloud nine: very happy!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dec 7th: come out ahead

Listen attentively. You will come out ahead in the coming week.

come out ahead: to end up with a profit, benefit, or advantage.

It was a tricky deal, and no one came out ahead of anyone else. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nov 27th: patch things up

A: I thought he kick you guys out.
B: Yes he did.
A: When did you patch things up?
B: We didn't.

patch things up: agree to stop fighting, become friends again

고아라 and 정우 fights a lot, but they patch things up and go on.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

off the top of one's head

I can't recall her name off the top of my head.

The idea off the top of my head is to change the policy dynamically.

Off the top of my head: without giving it too much thought or without precise knowledge.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

go round in circles

Go round in circles : keep making the same points without making progress in a discussion, an argument, etc.

ex) My english goes round in circles. I will spend more time improving english after getting RA position.
ex) This discussion is going round and round in circles. Let's make a decision.

This is from naver dictionary. However, I think it is different from an expression we learned.
I will ask her next class.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nov 19: Apple might cease to exist as the company that it was

Apple might cease to exist as the company that it was.

I cease to exist as the man that I was.

From today, I'll practice one sentence from the Steve Jobs video.
It'll be mostly simple sentence. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Nov 15th: take a toll

Six months ago, I was pretty happy with my life,
and then my marriage fell apart and my life fell apart,
I think it took its toll on me.

Take a toll: have a bad effect on somebody/somethingcause a lot of damagedeathssufferingetc

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nov 11th: Comfort is overrated

Com­fort is often over­rated.  In my com­fort zone, noth­ing hap­pens.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nov 10th: in shape

After the conference, I failed to keep in shape during weekends.
I slept whole day today, and now I'm back in shape now.

in shape: in good physical condition.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Nov 9: BoF

There was a BoF section in SOSP 2013.

BoF is from "Birds of a feather flock together".

  • A BoF session, an informal meeting at conferences, where the attendees group together based on a shared interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda.

some words

1. In this manner (이런 식으로)
2. in effect(사실상, 실제로는, in actual practice, in fact)

* Paper
ex) In this manner, the knowledge base in effect becomes naturally embedded in the network management and operations system itself.

ex) Huge volumes of unstructured monitoring data is received in this manner.

* dictionary
1) Do it in this manner
2) We have to finish this work in a timely manner (fashion) - 적시에
3) In effect, the two systems are identical.
4) His wife had, in effect, run the government for the past six months.

3. make use of something/somebody
- use somebody/something for your own advantage

* Paper
1) State-of-the-art event correlation systems make use of service specific temporal and spatial models.

* Dictionary
1) We could make better use of our resources.

4. allow for (somebody/something)
- To include something when you are calculating something or planning something

1) It will take about an hour to get there, allowing for traffic delays.
2) All these factors must be allowed for.
3) Add an extra ten minutes to your journey time to allow for the traffic.

My sentences.
* We should make better use of the advantage of staying America.
* It will take about 25 hours to get to Korea since we allow for the stopover.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Serve as

1. Serve as/for something
- to be used instead of something else when there is nothing better available.

* in the paper
ex) Provider service design documents typically serve as input to software system domain experts.

* in a dictionary
ex) An old box served as a table.
ex) Small temporary buildings had to serve for offices

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov 4th, as follows

ex) The remainder of this document is organized as follows.
ex) The rest of this paper is organized as follows.

as follows ( 다음과 같이, 이 follows는 비인칭 동사로 항상 ...s를 취한다.)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nov 2nd: chicken out

A: I didn't call off the engagement.
B: What happened? Did you just chicken out?

Chicken out: to manage to get out of something, usually because of fear or cowardice

Nov 2. In the presence of

1. in the presence of ( = with somebody/something in the same place )

ex) The knowledge plane needs to make judgments in the presence of partial or conflicting information.

ex) How can the algorithms of the KP protect themselves, filter out bad information, and reach valid conclusions in the presence of uncertainty and misrepresentation?

I will post the word or phrase which use the most frequently in the paper and I think we can use this in daily life.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Nov 1st: have bigger fish to fry

A: You wanna play soccer today?
B: No! I have bigger fish to fry.

have bigger fish to fry: to have more important things to do

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oct 30th: strawman solution

strawman is

Strawman solution is a solution which is very weak, vulnerable, easy to break.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oct 29th: break my leg

A: I have a interview today.
B: Oh, break my leg!

Break my leg: Good luck! (A special theatrical way of wishing a performer good luck. Saying good luck is considered to be a jinx.)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28th: suave

Girl: Every time you looked at me and said those suave little things you said, you lied to me!

A girl found out that a man (her boyfriend) has a child. So she came to him and said the above sentence.

suave: (esp. of a man) charming, confident, and elegant.

One more thing. This is from apple.

"if everyone is busy making everything how anyone perfect anything?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Oct 27th: wall-to-wall

When you go to the party with a lot of foods,
you can say "It's wall-to-wall food here".

Or, if there are a lot of girls,
"It's wall to wall girls here". haha.

wall-to-wall: covered with something in all places

Oct 26th: hit the road

It'll take 4 hours to get the arches national park.
We have to hit the road early in the morning.

hit the road: set out on a journey

Friday, October 25, 2013

Oct 25th: cut out

Whenever I cook, the taste is not good.
Maybe I'm not cut out for cooking.

cut out: To suit or fit by nature

Oct 24th: goof around

For the first two days of fall break, I was just goofing around.

goof around: do nothing

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oct 23rd: butterflies in one's stomach

I did have a test yesterday.
I had butterflies in my stomach before the test!!

butterflies in one's stomach: nervous

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oct 22nd: water cooler

MAN: You and me working under the same roof, gossiping by the water cooler.
WOMAN: Yeah, or being gossiped about.

water cooler talks: gossips
I think we had similar idiom in ESL... do you remember? 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 21st: The feeling is mutual

A: I guess I just don't like you very much.
B: The feeling is mutual.

Or this is the better example.

A: I like you so much! You are gorgeous!
B: The feeling is mutual :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oct 20th: juggle around

A man called and said. "I'll come to you this weekend!"

A woman said.
Oh, that a short notice!
I'll just have to juggle some things around.
I'm working this weekend.

juggle around: "to alter the position or sequence of someone or something"

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Oct 19th: back on one's feet

Rest, fluids, some Antibiotics and you will be back on your feet in no time.

When you catch a cold, the doctor can say 
"Rest, fluids, some antibiotics and you will be back on your feet in no time"

back on one's feet: recovered from an illness and out of one's sickbed. 

Oct 19th. the superlative I've ever seen.

This is the first pattern.

the superlative I've ever seen.

You're the most rude person I've ever seen.
He's the most talkative man I've ever seen.
She's the most picky customer I've ever seen.
You're the funniest person I've ever seen.
You're the craziest person I've ever seen.
It's the best movie I've ever seen.

You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
- I will use this expression when I pop the question.

tip) pop the question means "ask somebody to marry you"
ex) How did you pop the question?
ex) It's the perfect place to pop the question.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct 17th: per se

While I'm not a professional nanny, per se, I'm a collage graduate,,,

"Per se" is a Latin phrase, and it means "through itself" or "in itself".

While I'm not a professional driver, per se, I've driven for over 10 years and did not have any accident.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 16th: Cut me some slack

Cut me some slack.

It means
1) "give me some break"
2) to allow someone a reprieve from the consequences of an action

E.g. Please cut me some slack, I'm a international student and I was just a few miles over the speed limit.

Oct 15th: Cover

Cover for me till I get back.

I'm gonna run for an hour.
I can say to you "cover for me till I get back" with handing over my cell phone.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oct 11th: Under the influence

Do you remember anything you said while you were under the influence?

"Someone is under the influence" means he is drunken :)
We can say that sentence the day after we drink.

Update on Oct 16th.
I saw this expression on the below paper which I got at the student health center.